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About Tiffany Gibson

"The inability or lack of will to break through the cycle of self-destruction is precisely what kept me subjected to the prison system between the years of 1996 and 2012."



Being incarcerated on three occasions totaling six years was part of my single greatest motivation for starting a nonprofit entity. My record of incarceration were for crimes of shoplifting. Though I had no desire to continue returning to prison and falling into the trap of recidivism, until I had an awakening and a resolve after continuous struggles, I simply did not possess the fortitude and strength to avoid environments that contained relationships and associations that were contributing elements to a downward spiral. Those painful encounters also robbed me of being in the presence of my children during some of their formative years. The inability or lack of will to break through the cycle of self-destruction is precisely what kept me subjected to the prison system between the years of 1996 and 2012. I realize by experience that unless a system is in place to assist former prisoners with societal transitions, their path to continuous failure is expanded. That realization became the additional motivation for starting Surviving Freedom. Inc.


The collegiate education and progressive employment that I now have, with a Fortune 500 corporation, are hard won accolades and testaments to fierce and occasionally debilitating struggles. I persisted because I knew that within a greater being and purpose existed. Through Surviving Freedom, Inc., we desire to assist other former inmates to realize likewise.



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